Design thinking explained

According to Brown, CEO and president of IDEO, design thinking entails innovation that is powered by a thorough understanding of the needs and wants of people in their lives.

Furthermore, it uses the designer’s perceptiveness and methods to meet people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.Design thinking is way of creating, human-centered and practical solutions.

Historically, the role of designers was tactical and created limited added value. However, nowadays the role of designers is more strategic and leads to dramatic new forms of value. This transformation was achieved by the increase of the role of designers in innovation. Rather than being limited by making an already developed idea more attractive to consumers, designers are nowadays asked to create ideas that better meet consumers’ needs and desires.

Design projects consist of three stages: Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation. Inspiration stands for identifying a problem or an opportunity; Ideation stands for the process of generating, developing, and testing ideas that may lead to solutions; and Implementation stands for the plan to market.

Successful new products have the capability to not only appeal functionally, but also emotionally.

This is a summary of an article that was published by HBR and written by Tim Brown. Click here for the article 

Question: How is design thinking affecting you in your work?

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